Worried about social isolation in the Bristol area?

Fellowship news

  • Fellowship

Worried about social isolation in the Bristol area? Interested in how to help improve community connectedness and wellbeing?

The Social Mirror project uses the RSA’s expertise in network analysis and well-being science to make tangible differences to peoples’ lives. We are currently trialling a Social Mirror ‘Community Prescriptions’ app in Knowle West, Bristol, that aims to link people aged 18-30 and 55 plus to local projects that could help their health and wellbeing.

Working with our partner the Knowle West Media Centre we are now looking for volunteers to help with the project. Volunteers are based in GP surgeries in the community. They engage with community members and help them to complete surveys on a tablet style digital tool. These surveys analyse the person's social connections, support networks and general health; once completed, they issue a 'social prescription' if necessary. Social prescriptions prescribe specific groups and activities relating to the person's needs to improve their wellbeing, rather than prescribing medication or other medical interventions. 

We are looking for people who would like to volunteer with us and help out with our community outreach. This role would be suitable for anyone interested in helping their communities, anybody who wants to develop their people skills and anyone who wants to have fun. No knowledge of computers is necessary.

Please contact Lucinda Thelwell on 0117 903 0444 or [email protected] or Gaia Marcus on 0207 451 6875 or [email protected]

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