How to help every child fulfil their potential

Video 16 Comments

  • Adolescence
  • Behaviour change

Ever wondered why kids say they’re bored at school, or why they stop trying when the work gets harder? Educationalist Carol Dweck explains how the wrong kind of praise actually *harms* young people.

This short video is essential viewing for EVERYONE – from teachers and education workers to relatives and friends - and will totally revolutionise the way you interact with children.

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  • If we were to apply these principles to offenders instead of simply further custody and punishment, the majority would probably experience entirely different and more positive outcomes; yet we don't.  We are so focussed on retribution and revenge!  The costs in financial and human terms are massive, yet we fail to learn.  It is as though we are afraid offenders might actually do well. Maybe this what the PM and Justice Minister are looking for in their rehabilitation revolution!  Let us hope so.

  • I would like to know how race, gender, and SES play into these studies. I would hypothesize that more students who come from middle to upper class SES families have a growth mindset than those students living in poverty.

  • Loved this!  Would RSA ever consider releasing/posting/selling the poster that's shown at the end of the video? 

  • This is good practical advice. Can't wait to apply it with my kids and Scout Group!

  • While certainly interesting work, I am concerned that this story ends here with recommendations for educators to simply improve praise and develop new language for grading. These are not substitutes for skilled and evidence-based instruction that allow children to experience meaningful success (and persistence) in their learning. This is probably most true for children who have unidentified learning disabilities. These students frequently have acquired a fixed self-concept of their learning capacities and anxiety around looking capable in the classroom setting, and with that said, suggesting that they "try harder" by developing a "growth mindset" is highly problematic. I would hate for these ideas serve as a gloss-over or distraction from real problems that are often underlying our student's engagement.