How to help every child fulfil their potential

Video 16 Comments

  • Adolescence
  • Behaviour change

Ever wondered why kids say they’re bored at school, or why they stop trying when the work gets harder? Educationalist Carol Dweck explains how the wrong kind of praise actually *harms* young people.

This short video is essential viewing for EVERYONE – from teachers and education workers to relatives and friends - and will totally revolutionise the way you interact with children.

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  • I so enjoyed this RSA animate...I am going to include "not yet" into my own reflective dialogue and with my teenage son who is "bored"  at school.... thanks so much!! I feel inspired!

  • I've heard Carol Dwek talk on this landmark subject a number of times. 

    Now it has been so richly enhanced by this RSA animation, I think it deserves an even wider audience. 

    Sorry Ken, I still love you - but I think you may have just got knocked off the top spot as my favourite RSA Animate of all time. 

    • Who is better at inspiring people to rethink how we educate our children...Ken Robinson or Carol Dweck.....? Mmmm I can't decide. There's only one way to find out....Fight! 

      Harry Hill aside. Thanks for your kind words Alex. Hopefully Carol will reach as many people as Ken with her inspiring message! We had a lot of fun making the Animate! Best wishes. Andrew

  • Superb. 'Not yet' needs to sit right at the heart of lifelong learning, student engagement and motivation. A must watch for the start of every staff INSET in January 2016. 

  • Fab animate - this is so important research. I can see it's true even in my 4 year old!

  • I love this work on Growth Mindsets!  Carol Dweck has done amazing work - this was great thanks and well worth sharing.