RSA Animate - Empathic Civilisation

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  • Behaviour change


Bestselling author, political adviser and social and ethical prophet Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways that it has shaped our development and our society. View the full video of Jeremy Rifkin's talk at the RSA. Download a transcript of this video (pdf).

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  • does anyone know if we could get the FULL board of illustrations from this animated essay (or any other from RSA animated) on a giant poster (for sale on the internet)?
    I 'm sure a lot of people would pay actual money for this highly intelligent and humorous way to get such an inspiring and mind-broadening story across.. to display in work spaces or at home, or at seminars, or.. this could really become something big, believe me

  • Imagine - John Lennon 1971. Jeremy Rifkin is in good company. Great animating as usual.

  • competition and limited understanding,its a matter of how they understood to make this world a better would you?i took up music and used my time beautifully and peacefully.but as long as greed will be in the hearts of people this world will continue in its downward spiral towards destruction meaning we humans the world...

  • In his thoughts on religious consciousness (if I may call it that) Mr. Rifkin seems to have forgotten 700 years or so of life in Al Andalus.

  • In fact, I've read that Adam was 250k years ago and Eve was 50k years ago, so not only did they not meet, they may not even have been able to conceive if they had.